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Direct marketing strategy

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Competitive advantage Your introduction to direct marketing SMART KPIs Your direct marketing objective Cross-sell/Up-sell Retention Recruitment Reactivation Consider the marketing environment Target audience Segmentation Geo-demographic segmentation Lifestyle segmentation Develop the customer profile Research your customer journey RFM Data mining and modelling Data enhancement Data hygiene Data analysis Or B2B Customer need B2C Or B2B Buyer behaviour B2C Customer insight Market environment Insight from previous contact with this audience Primary or secondary research Is this an irresistable offer? The offer that's made Response rate drivers, ranked in order Brand promise Differential advantage Your simple, benefit-led proposition.USP Dominant emotion Brand positioning Cost per contact budget Media budget Governing idea Brief creative Use the lifetime value of your target audience Confirm the budget and time plan Brief media What media does your audience respond to? Your test strategy Email DRTV Digital ads Direct mail Radio Social media Mobile Press/inserts Telemarketing SEM Door drop Video Agree the evaluation plan Your overall communication strategy Implementation Emphasise the call to action Legal sign off Response management Integrate Add codes Timing Use your analysis to improve your next campaign